“创新预算 (innovation budget)”之于我

我关于创新预算 innovation budget / 创新点数 innovation token 的一些想法

之前一位汇丰的朋友推荐我一篇很有趣的文章 —— Choose Boring Technology選擇無聊的技術


I like the idea that each project has "a limited number of innovation tokens to spend“. For me, however, I am more oriented towards technology rather than specific projects. So, technologies I chose are never unknown to me, and they don't waste my innovation tokens. For enterprises, I don't like competing against rival products in front of them. I always (overconfidently) believe there are currently no alternatives in the market segment where my product is positioned.


后来当我跟女朋友聊起这个观点的时候,想到,我大学时很多项目不了了之了,其实就是这个个性的必然结果。对于很多项目,我其实并没有对他们的技术那么有兴趣。在做着做着,发现我在为了这个目标,消耗了过多的 innovation tokens,超过了我的创新预算,而我有是一个不好意思跟别人说不做了的人,于是屡次发生了跑路的事件😂在此再次向大家抱歉一下~我保证在以后可能的合作中,我如果觉得做不下去了我会及时诚实相告。

“创新预算 (innovation budget)”之于我