第一次收到别人的 PR 👻

早上送走爸妈之后才发现今天没看 GitHub 通知,一打开

大部分都是垃圾信息,但是发现居然有人给我的 partial-json 提了一个 PR

Add OUTERMOST_OBJ and OUTERMOST_ARR allowances by alanpog · Pull Request #9 · promplate/partial-json-parser-js

Sourcery 的总结还挺好的,一看就懂

说起来,很戏剧性地,由于我这个项目是刚开始用 JavaScript 的时候写的,当时还不太懂 CI,于是没有配 formatter 的 config,这个人直接不小心把所有文件都重新格式化了,造成 600 行的 diff 😂


Your proposal is great and this implementation works well. But due to my perfectionist tendencies, I often find myself wondering if there's an even better way to solve these kinds of problems.



Approach One — Input Predicate Function

The parse will take an options object to extend configuration besides simple allow. We may support inputing a validate predicate function to choose whether to allow an object / array. The signature of options may look like this:

interface options {
  allow: number;
  validate(parsed: any, text: string, parents: Parent[]): boolean

type Parent = {
  type: "OBJ";
  key: string;
} | {
  type: "ARR";
  index: number;

For example, if user do this:

parse(`[0, {"a": [{`, { allow: ALL, (parsed, text, parents) => { ... } })

The validate function will be called at most 4 times with

validate({}, '{', [{ type: "ARR", index: 0}, { type: "OBJ", key: "a" }, { type: "ARR", index: 1}])
validate([{}], '[{', [{ type: "OBJ", key: "a" }, { type: "ARR", index: 1}])
validate({"a": {}}, '{"a": [{', [{ type: "ARR", index: 1}])
validate([0, {"a": {}}], '[0, {"a": [{', [])

Approach Two — Return PartialInfo

Inject some information into the return value. Like this:

export const partial = Symbol('__partial__');

And the partial information may be like this:

interface PartialInfo {
  text: string;

Then users can filter the result themselves using this information.

For example, if using this way:

> res = parse(`[0, {"a": [{`, { allow: ALL, inject: true }) // [0, {"a": [{}]}]
> res[0][partial] // undefined
> res[1][partial] // { text: '{"a": [{' }
> res[1].a[partial] // { text: '[{' }
> res[1].a[0][partial] // { text: '{' }

They can drop at any depth level as they wish.

今天顺便集成了 StackBlitz 的 pkg.pr.new 的持续发布

现在每次 commit 都会可以被安装了🥳